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Draft Resolutions in Support for Public Rail Template

Templates: Resolution in Support of Public Rail

Ideas for Customization

Please feel free to tailor your Statement or Resolution to your particular demographic or interest group. For example:

  • School Teachers: maybe it's important to express how long trains which are blocking intersections constitute a threat to school children getting to and from school.
  • First Responders: it may be important to address the failure of the rail industry to provide immediate and accurate information about a train's contents in the event of derailment or chemical spill.
  • Shippers: it may be important to address access, timeliness, shipping rates, demurrage charges, etc.
  • Trackside Communities: will be concerned about track and infrastructure maintenance to prevent derailments and possible cataclysmic disasters to the community, while those adjacent to major switching yards would be concerned about air quality.
  • Rail workers: of course, have endless concerns about workplace safety, jobs, and working conditions.
  • Rural America: concerns about the complete lack of service offered by mainline railroads that roar right through town.
  • Passengers: have concerns about poor on-time performance, a lack of choice in departure and arrival times, and limited options in destinations.

Support Templates

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