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To All Unions, Locals, Lodges, Divisions, Worker Organizations, Environmental Groups, Rail Advocates, Transportation Justice Folks & Others:

In the face of the degeneration of the rail system in the last decade, and after more than a decade of discussion and debate on the question, Railroad Workers United (RWU) has taken a position in support of public ownership of the rail system in North America. We ask you to consider doing the same, and announce your organization’s own support for rail public ownership through a formal organizational statement or resolution.

Recent resolutions from our good friends at United Electrical (UE) and the Northern Nevada Central Labor Council are encouraging and much appreciated examples of the type of support we need for a successful campaign, demonstrating that a broad coalition of organizations stands in solidarity with this effort, and that each sees the campaign's motivation and goals as intersecting with their own.

We invite you to fill out the form below and attach (or provide a hyperlink to) your statement of support. We thank you for rallying behind working railroaders!

Stand with railroad workers for a better rail system

Fill out Organizational Support Form to show your organization's support for public ownership.

If you are not part of an organization and are just a concerned citizen, then fill out this support form and add your name to the growing list of people who want a national rail system that operates for the good of the people and the environment and not solely for the profit of hedge fund managers and CEOs.